Duroprime U200

DUROPRIME U200 is a two component, solvent free, epoxy primer for use on concrete, including outstanding adhesion to damp concrete. DUROPRIME U200 uses premium epoxy resins and curing agents to produce a low-viscosity, clear, yet tough and durable product. Read More


  • Non-hazmat – solvent free, non-corrosive, non-flammable product for cheaper, easier and faster transport
  • Potable water approved under AS/NZS 4020
  • Field-friendly – mix rao tolerance and long storage life, combined with surface/moisture tolerance gives a truly field-friendly product
  • Good tolerance to low temperatures
  • Can be applied onto dry, damp or even wet surfaces, as it is completely moisture tolerant
  • Clear formulaon does not impact on colour of underlying aggregateor coang
  • Clear, yet very durable
  • Low viscosity, slow curing product ideal for sealing applicaons as it allows deep penetraon to give a thorough seal
  • Solvent free means product can be applied in confined spaces with no need for venlaon equipment
  • 100% solids – means long shelf life (do not have to use all at once)and no shrinkage in the coang film